I’m a year older!

17039200_10206644779957736_1410849183774709325_oOn any given day, I am always feeling blessed and immensely grateful.  So far, I’ve been given 68 years in which to be thankful!  God is good!

Recently, I came across this necklace and it was amazing that something this small and possibly insignificant to others, could speak to my heart and bring a smile to my face.  There was no doubt that this was going to be a “must have” purchase.  It speaks volumes.

I believe that everyone is blessed in one way or another, and sometimes it might seem that others are blessed more.  However, I don’t know of anyone in my circle who is not facing some sort of issue, whether it be health related, family problems, money problems, hurt or fear of the unknown.  If we just look within ourselves, be prayerful and see what God has done for each of us, this should be more than enough.  Please keep the faith.

The end.



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