Today is a new day……

But, what do I write about today?

Nothing special comes to mind; except that I am grateful; always thankful and grateful.   This in itself, makes me happy as I know that I am truly blessed by my Heavenly Father.

I do have Faith.  I have an abundance of Faith.  It keeps my head above water, my chin up and my heart full of joy, especially when I feel as if others are unkind to me.  Perhaps it’s how I perceive it and not them, at all.

I learned a long time ago to take just one day at a time, and, at the end of each day, to give thanks for getting through each day and for every Blessing I received that day.  Life is difficult at times and we each have our own burdens to carry.  Some, more than others, I feel.  It is those whom we spend time more time praying for.

It is beyond my realm of thinking how one can not recognize that there is a higher being who is in control of our lives.  He has a purpose for our lives, and, for the life of me, sometimes I can’t help but wonder what my purpose is in this life.  However, it is not for me to question.

I live on Faith.



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