Missing my second home….

Golly, as I sit here on a Saturday night (by myself) watching my Bulldogs play Arkansas, I am hoping for another win as we had against LSU last week (44-34); what a great game!

I am reminded of the many years we lived in Starkville. We moved there on our wedding day and we enjoyed our jobs, friends, golfing, hunting and fishing so much that we called it “our second home” for eighteen years.

And, even though we loved everything about Starkville and Mississippi State and our wonderful friends, there came a time when another move was made. I like moving and would be ready to move again if I could even at this age. I loved living in Alabama, too.

Moves bring you new friends, new opportunities, and a new lease on life. But, I must be content for now, because we never know what tomorrow will bring.

I have a good life; I am blessed beyond measure, and I love and enjoy my friends I’ve made along the way and I am sure to enjoy any new friends I have yet to make.